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JUKEBOX: Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You

For anyone paired up with a significant other, tomorrow will probably be a day full of romantic gestures, overpriced gifts, and a higher-than-usual PDA ratio. But today is Friday the 13th, and for some unlucky lovers, it might just be the day of reckoning for their petered-out relationships.

REBEAT is here to help you pick up the pieces. Perhaps you’re just getting ready to leave your lover. Or maybe the person you thought was “the one” suddenly threw you aside, and you’re still in the weepy, confused phase. You might even be begging them to give it another shot. You might just be bitter and angry, ready to burn some old letters and cut their face out of the pictures that used to sit by your bedside. Of course, there’s always a chance you’re feeling relief having dropped that dead-weight of an ex and you’re ready to embrace the single life with open arms. Whatever your breakup situation, we’ve got the perfect songs for you.

Here are five of the breakup songs featured on this edition of JUKEBOX.

1) “Stay With Me (Baby),” Lorraine Ellison (1966)

Is there anything worse than putting 110% into a relationship only to still end up rejected and alone? In this Sixties soul-ripping classic, Lorraine Ellison wails out her pain, wondering what went wrong and how she could deserve to be tossed aside after pouring her heart into the relationship. She pleads to her lover to not to leave in the hopes that they can try again. Need a tissue yet?

2) “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” Paul Simon (1975)

Feeling a bit smothered by your significant other? Maybe you just need the right method of slipping out of a relationship that’s on the rocks. Paul Simon offers you some helpful advice in this jaunty tune. Although Simon seems to be addressing the fellas (certain unlucky fellows named Jack, Stan, Roy, Gus, and Lee), we’re sure anyone can heed his suggestions to get on a bus or slip out the back.

3) “You’re Breakin’ My Heart,” Harry Nilsson (1972)


Long before Cee Lo Green came out with “Fuck You,” Harry Nilsson was throwing around the expletive with determined bitterness in this jangly and jazzy breakup song. This is an anthem for the person who won’t take their partner’s BS lying down, whether they’re the dumper or dumpee. Stay strong and let your former partner know that they’re the real loser.

4) “Crying,” Roy Orbison (1964)

Sometimes it’s just hard to get past the reality of a relationship that’s met it’s end, no matter how much you try. In this early ’60s hit, Orbison laments how he thought he was he was over his girl, but “it’s true, so true” that he’s not. And even once you have moved on, the one that got away will always have a special place in your heart. So if you need to let out the tears and sob for a while, go for it. We won’t judge you.

5) “I Will Survive,” Gloria Gaynor (1978)

Always the ultimate song to boost your confidence after a bad breakup, Gloria Gaynor gives you the strength to move forward and know that you’re not a lesser person just because of a failed relationship. If she’s not willing to fall back into the lure of the past, why should you? Walk your beat, hold your head up high, and tell your ex that they’re not welcome in your life anymore.


There are so many breakup songs out there. Check out our playlist of 30 songs over on our Spotify account.

What songs have soothe your ailing soul? Share with us in the comments!

Jen Cunningham
Jen Cunningham is an editor in the puzzle-publishing industry, an amateur artist, and Anglophile hailing from New York. She was raised on good ol' British rock and the smell of vinyl records. When she's not working, she enjoys going to concerts, playing tabletop games, and making unfortunate puns.